Generate a UUID in Rust

Rust, a systems programming language known for its focus on safety, performance, and concurrency, offers a unique blend of low-level control and high-level abstractions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to generate UUIDs in Rust using the uuid crate.

How to Generate a UUID in Rust

To generate UUIDs in Rust, we will use the uuid crate, which provides an efficient API for creating and working with UUIDs.

Add the uuid Crate to Your Project

The first step is to add the uuid crate to your Rust project by including it in your Cargo.toml file. You can find the current version of the uuid crate on its official page.

uuid = "1.3.1"

Create a version 4 UUID in Rust

Once the uuid crate is added to your project, you can import it and use its functions to generate UUIDs. Here's an example of generating a random UUID in Rust:

// Import the required types and traits
use uuid::Uuid;
fn main() {
    // Generate a random UUID
    let my_uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
    // Print the UUID
    println!("Generated UUID: {}", my_uuid);


  • On line #2, we import the Uuid type from the uuid crate.
  • Line #6 generates a random UUID using the new_v4 function, which creates a version 4 UUID based on random numbers.
  • Finally, on line #9, the UUID is printed to the console.

Creating Other UUID Versions in Rust

The uuid crate supports various UUID versions, each with unique characteristics. You can create version 1, 3, and 5 UUIDs using different methods.

####Version 1 UUID (Timestamp and MAC Address). To generate a version 1 UUID based on the current timestamp and MAC address, you can use the new_v1 function:

use uuid::{Uuid, v1::Context};
fn main() {
    let context = Context::new(0);
    let my_uuid = Uuid::new_v1(&context, 0).unwrap();
    println!("Generated UUID: {}", my_uuid);

Version 3 and 5 UUIDs (Namespace-Based)

Version 3 and 5 UUIDs are generated based on a namespace and a name, hashed with MD5 or SHA1, respectively. The uuid crate provides predefined namespace UUIDs, such as NAMESPACE_DNS, NAMESPACE_URL, and NAMESPACE_OID. Here's an example of generating a version 3 UUID:

use uuid::{Uuid, v3::Md5};
fn main() {
    let namespace = Uuid::NAMESPACE_DNS;
    let name = "";
    let my_uuid = Uuid::new_v3(namespace, name.as_bytes());
    println!("Generated UUID: {}", my_uuid);

To generate a version 5 UUID, replace v3::Md5 with v5::Sha1.


Generating UUIDs in Rust is made easy with the uuid crate. By following the examples and explanations provided in this guide, you can generate unique identifiers for your Rust applications.

Remember to choose the UUID version that fits your requirements and explore the capabilities of the uuid crate for additional functionality. Rust's focus on safety, performance, and concurrency makes it an excellent choice for developing applications that require reliable UUID generation.