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Generate a UUID in Kotlin

Kotlin, a modern and expressive programming language, offers powerful features and seamless interoperability with Java. In this guide, we will explore different methods to generate Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) in Kotlin.

Generating UUIDs in Kotlin

While Kotlin's standard library doesn't include a dedicated UUID generation function, we can leverage Java's java.util.UUID class for UUID generation in Kotlin code. Kotlin's full interoperability with Java makes it seamless. Here's an example:

import java.util.UUID;
fun main() {
    // Generate a random UUID
    val myUuid = UUID.randomUUID()
    val myUuidAsString = myUuid.toString()
    // Print the UUID
    println("Generated UUID: $myUuid")

In the above code, we import the UUID class from Java's standard library. The randomUUID() method generates a new version 4 UUID, which is stored in the myUuid variable. We then convert the myUuid object to a string representation using toString(). Finally, we print the generated UUID to the console.

Converting a String to a UUID in Kotlin

In some scenarios, you may need to convert a string representation of a UUID back into a UUID object. Kotlin provides seamless integration with Java's UUID class for this purpose. Here's an example:

import java.util.UUID;
fun main() {
    // Generate a random UUID
    val myUuid = UUID.randomUUID()
    val myUuidAsString = myUuid.toString()
    // Assert the UUIDs are equal
    val sameUuid = UUID.fromString(myUuidAsString)
    assertTrue { sameUuid == myUuid }

In the above code, we use the fromString(String) method provided by the UUID class to convert the string representation of a UUID (myUuidAsString) back into a UUID object (sameUuid). We then assert that the two UUID instances are equal.


Generating UUIDs in Kotlin is made easy by leveraging Java's UUID class. By following the examples and explanations provided in this guide, you can generate unique identifiers for your Kotlin applications.

Remember to choose the appropriate method based on your requirements and the context in which your code runs. Happy coding with Kotlin and UUID generation!