Online UUID Generator

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A UUID(Universally Unique Identifier) is a standardized identifier used to uniquely identify information in computing systems. It is a 128-bit number represented as a string, typically with 32 hexadecimal digits, such as "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000". The UUIDs generated by this site conform to RFC 4122 (opens in a new tab) whenever possible.

What is it used for?

UUIDs are primarily used to ensure the generation of unique identifiers in distributed systems. They are widely used in various scenarios such as database records, node identification in distributed systems, unique file names, and more.

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How are UUIDs generated?

The method of UUID generation varies depending on the version. The most common version is UUIDv4, which is generated using random or pseudorandom number generation algorithms. Other versions of UUIDs may use timestamp, hardware information, or other inputs for generation.

Most programming languages and development frameworks provide functions or libraries for generating UUIDs. You can refer to the documentation of the specific language to learn how to generate UUIDs. For example, in Java, you can use the java.util.UUID class to generate UUIDs.

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What is a Version 1 UUID(UUIDv1)?

A Version 1 UUID is a universally unique identifier that is generated using a timestamp and the MAC address of the computer on which it was generated.

What is a version 4 UUID(UUIDv4)?

A Version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier that is generated using random numbers. The Version 4 UUIDs produced by this site were generated using a secure random number generator.

What is a version 7 UUID(UUIDv7)?

UUID Version 7 (UUIDv7) is a time-ordered UUID which encodes a Unix timestamp with millisecond precision in the most significant 48 bits. As with all UUID formats, 6 bits are used to indicate the UUID version and variant. The remaining 74 bits are randomly generated.


A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a type of identifier similar to a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). The main difference is their origin and implementation. UUIDs follow the standards defined in RFC 4122 (opens in a new tab), while GUIDs are a Microsoft implementation used in technologies like COM and Windows. UUIDs are typically represented as a 128-bit value with hyphens, while GUIDs use curly braces without hyphens. Functionally, both serve the purpose of providing unique identifiers. While UUIDs have broader industry adoption, GUIDs are more commonly used in Microsoft ecosystems. In practice, the distinction between UUIDs and GUIDs often arises in platform-specific discussions.

Can UUIDs be parsed or decomposed?

The general representation of UUIDs is a continuous string without a fixed structure for direct parsing or decomposition. However, some programming languages and libraries provide parsing functions to extract components of a UUID, such as the version number, timestamp, node identifier, etc.

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